Sunday, January 02, 2005

A New Year

I spent most of the first day of New Year dreaming. The dream of L.A. is still not dead in me. It actually grew stronger. The place of Pasadena came to my mind - may be because I visited there and liked it. It's not too far away from other places. So I ended up looking for house price and school system there. Housing, according to 8 realtors who work there, is kind of flat. This is a good news. But education is a bit disappointing. The schools there are not too bad, but not too good either. I hope there's some way to get into better school districts nearby.

After all these researches, L.A. is still a dream. But I don't know if God is calling us there or what. Everytime I thought about that place, I can't restraining myself from dreaming wild. It gives me hope and excitement that I can live on the edge for God. I long to see myself and my family living day to day to experience the providence of God. I want to see miracles and prayers answered. And I want to bring the good news of rest and shalom to the people there.

I am praying a lot right now to see if God really wants us there. Many questions are still unanswered:

1. Will Jeanie be excited to experience this faith adventure with me?
2. What is Jeanie's role in ministering to others there? What is she excited to do there?
3. Practically, how can we minister to other people there? What is the strength of our family? What can we do?
4. Housing - can we afford to live there?
5. School - can Ethan receive a decent education there and a positive environment to grow?
6. How difficult is it to live there with a 6 months old there? (Jeanie had a hard time dealing w/ Ethan in the small condo when he was a baby.)
7. Who can we work with there? What are they like? Can we form a good team?
8. How about Orlando?
9. What if it doesn't work out for us?

I think before I fix myself on L.A. again, I should really open to God's calling to some other places. I need to practice John 14:21. I have to trust that God will reveal his will to me and my family.



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