Sunday, January 30, 2005

Election in Iraq

It's a strange feeling, but I am really happy and encouraged by the election in Iraq.

I stayed up until Sunday morning 1.30 am to watch the 1st 2 hours of election. Many people turned out to vote - young, old, wheelchaired, men, women - one by one they braved the potential attack and threats by the terrorists, and risked their lives to vote. I can understand if I live in a place where there is suicidal bombing and mortar attacks everyday, I may get used to it a little bit. But to publicly denounce the terrorists' acts by putting oneself forward as a target of the terrorits requires great courage. The Iraqis knew that Sunday's election was a showdown between the themselves and the terroists, and they really went against them. Their votes were a public defiance to the terroist's threat. What a powerful example of courage and determination against the evil forces. I couldn't hold my tears when I saw this hisotric moment. The voters were the everyday heroes and heroines.


Sunday, January 02, 2005

A New Year

I spent most of the first day of New Year dreaming. The dream of L.A. is still not dead in me. It actually grew stronger. The place of Pasadena came to my mind - may be because I visited there and liked it. It's not too far away from other places. So I ended up looking for house price and school system there. Housing, according to 8 realtors who work there, is kind of flat. This is a good news. But education is a bit disappointing. The schools there are not too bad, but not too good either. I hope there's some way to get into better school districts nearby.

After all these researches, L.A. is still a dream. But I don't know if God is calling us there or what. Everytime I thought about that place, I can't restraining myself from dreaming wild. It gives me hope and excitement that I can live on the edge for God. I long to see myself and my family living day to day to experience the providence of God. I want to see miracles and prayers answered. And I want to bring the good news of rest and shalom to the people there.

I am praying a lot right now to see if God really wants us there. Many questions are still unanswered:

1. Will Jeanie be excited to experience this faith adventure with me?
2. What is Jeanie's role in ministering to others there? What is she excited to do there?
3. Practically, how can we minister to other people there? What is the strength of our family? What can we do?
4. Housing - can we afford to live there?
5. School - can Ethan receive a decent education there and a positive environment to grow?
6. How difficult is it to live there with a 6 months old there? (Jeanie had a hard time dealing w/ Ethan in the small condo when he was a baby.)
7. Who can we work with there? What are they like? Can we form a good team?
8. How about Orlando?
9. What if it doesn't work out for us?

I think before I fix myself on L.A. again, I should really open to God's calling to some other places. I need to practice John 14:21. I have to trust that God will reveal his will to me and my family.


Sunday, October 24, 2004

So. Cal Dream

Today is sunny and nice in Columbus. Blue sky, low humidity and in the 60's. Wow, what a contrast to the past 2 weeks! (The weather was so blah that it's not even worth mentioning.)

The nice sunny blue sky reminds me of So. Cal. So i went to check out the home prices there again. Of course, my enthusiasm was toned down substantially when i saw the home price went up by 22% in the L.A. area in the last 12 months. If we want to buy a home (say 1100 to 1500 sq. ft. house or condo) in a decent area now, expect at least $500k. And it seems a market adjustment is nowhere in sight.

But the house church at my house last night is still lighting up my candle of dream to be there sometime in the future. I dream of having fellowship with people from different parts of the world now living in close proximity...people that share similar struggles, culture and hopes. And i dream of having the same big window so my neighbors around us can see us fellowshipping, singing songs, sharing, and having fun together: same things that we have here, but transplanted into So. Cal. I don't know when or even whether it will come. Right now I can only say: let's keep on dreaming!

Saturday, October 09, 2004


An interesting survey from NPR on immigration. It seems many native Americans think positively of the immigrants if they have personal contact w/ them.

Sunday, October 03, 2004


I was in Akron yesterday (Saturday) helping Darryl Phillip's sister move.

Her disabled husband passed away a couple months ago. She and her 2 teenage kids are moving to a smaller house. Darryl asked the pastors and a few strong men (which they really needed) from Columbus and Bowling Green to help them. Since they are not believers, Darryl hopes our help will show God's kindness to them. Compared to other American brothers (like Jason Hughes), I am not strong at all (Jason and another brother, David, can definitely lift 2x the weight that i do). But I am glad I was able to minister to Darryl's family and fellowship with other friends in the church.


Thursday, September 30, 2004

It's been a while...

Wow! Time flies. It's been almost 2 months that i didn't blog!

I guess for you who are out there: i am still alive. The past 2 months have been challenging. A lot of travels, work, fun, sadness, stress, surprises, etc. But with God's grace, i am still here, and i thank God that the future looks and is better.

I am reading Proverbs nowadays because i desparately need wisdom in my life to manage things and to advice (1:4 These proverbs will make the simpleminded clever). Life is complicated!


Sunday, August 01, 2004

The Mystery of Dalaro

I think it is a clever advertisement from Volvo, judging from the way the "documentory" was made. See for yourself.

The Mystery of Dalaro - There are more debates on this documentory if you google it.

But what if it's true? It is a good example of the power of community - sharing the same thoughts, having the same values, carrying out the same plans.